Thursday, May 26, 2011

BioSand Water Filter

BioSand filters are technological adaptation of slow sand filtration process. While implementations exist in many different sizes and varieties, the most common design is intended for use in rural homes where naturally safe or treated water sources are not available.

BioSand filter removes 90% to 95% of organic contaminants including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, worms, and particles. After filtered , dirty water will be safe to be used for drinking , food preparation and sanitation .  Most common home-based models can produce between 20 and 60 litres of water per hour.

This kind of filter uses a clean plastic barrel to store filter and water .Gravel and sand are layered inside the filter with a PVC collection pipe situated at the base of the filter . 

The layer of sand must remain undisturbed by the flow of poured water. These conditions are achieved respectively by the installation of a diffusion plate on the top (reducing the impact of the poured water flow), filtration occurs in the lower layers of sand and gravel, which removes contaminants that cause odour, cloudiness, and taste. Then, pure water comes through the P.V.C pipes.

A 2007 study conducted by the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill indicates that BioSand Water Filters can reduce the incidence of diarrheal illness by up to 40 percent.

Over time , the top layer of sand will clogged with other materials and will reduce flow rates . A simple stirring or skimming of the top layer of sand is usually sufficient to restore optimal flow.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Raja Ampat Islands

I have posted about Papua , now i will post about Raja Ampat , the famous Islands of Papua . Raja Ampat is a part of West Papua . Raja Ampat or ‘Four Kings’, is the name given to these islands and comes from a local myth . The four major islands found here are Waigeo, Misool (which is home to ancient rock paintings), Salawati, and Batanta. Raja Ampat has about 611 islands and :

 This area is home to 1,511 species of reef fish in the Bird’s Head Seascape;
1,320 species of reef fish in Raja Ampat;
75% of all known coral species in the world;
10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean;
In the Birds Head Seascape there 600 species of hard coral recorded;
5 species of endangered sea turtles;
57 species of Mantis Shrimp;
13 species of Marine Mammals;
And 27 species of endemic reef fish found only in that area .

Raja Ampat is a group of islands and one of many great tourism object in Indonesia . I have visited Raja Ampat and it was very beautiful . You should visit Raja Ampat . I have not dive yet , I was only snorkeling . Even only snorkeling , I saw many corals , fishes and many undersea organism .  You can stay in Papua diving resort , information click here .

If you want to visit Raja Ampat , you have to go to Sorong then , rent a motorboat to Raja Ampat . You have to choose an island as your destination . You will arrive in about one or two hours . Sometimes the sea is wavy and you could feel it when you are on the boat .

First Post - Papua

Some times , when people heard about "Papua" it reminds them about dark skinned people and huts, without any modern technology, it is not true. Many Cities in Papua are still growing , but some of them has grown  big enough . They love to eat sagoo , and traditional food from Papua is "papeda" a kind of food made from sagoo . Papua divided became two provinces , the Papua and the West Papua .
The capital of Papua is Jayapura . Jayapura is a medium size city. About Jayapura you can click this link . One of the tourism objects in Jayapura is Lake Sentani . For information about Lake Sentani you can visit this link . I have lived in a city in West Papua , Sorong .It is not a big city .
From Sorong , you can rent a motor boat to visit Raja Ampat Islands .It is the best place to visit in Indonesia . You can visit Raja Ampat Papua Diving resort to guide you diving in Raja Ampat Islands.Information of Papua Diving : click here .
For the price of Papua Diving Resort : click here

Please comment and please give me some feedbacks , i'm newbie in blogging

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Speech Recognation

Speech recognition adalah sebuah program bagi anda yang menggunakan laptop atau computer dengan microphone untuk mengkontrol computer / laptop anda dengan speech recognition . Anda dapat menemui speech recognition pada control panel , click "hardware and sound" ,  "sound" , pilih "recording" pada bagian atas sounds , click microphone yang sedang aktif , click "configure" , lalu akan keluar window baru yang berisi options speech recognition . Untuk memulai speech recognition , anda dapat click "start speech recognition" . Saya menganjurkan untuk pilih "take speech tutorial" untuk membiasakan diri menggunakan speech recognition . Anda juga bisa menyetel microphone anda dengan pilihan "set microphone" .

Post pertama - Papua

Saya menulis artikel ini untuk memperkenalkan Papua dan ingin mengubah pandangan orang-orang tentang Papua yang sering dianggap masih primitif karena Papua selalu di dokumentasikan sebagai primitif dan tidak melihat daerah Papua lainnya yang sudah tidak primitif.
Saat mendengar "Papua " mungkin anda membayangkan orang kulit hitam yang tidak menggunakan teknologi . Pandangan seperti it sebenarnya salah . Pulau Papua sangat luas . Kota-kota di Papua sudah banyak yang berkembang . Kebanyakan penduduk kota-kota di Papua adalah orang asli Papua , orang-orang dari wilayah sulawesi seperti Manado , Makasar ,juga orang-orang dari Jakarta , jadi penduduknya bukan hanya orang berkulit hitam . Wilayah Papua / irian yang dalam NKRI terbagi menjadi 2 provinsi yaitu Papua dan Papua Barat . Ibukota Provinsi Papua adalah Jayapura .
Kota Jayapura adalah kota yang cukup besar . Jayapura sudah bukan kota yang hanya dihuni orang-orang primitif , sudah cukup modern dan banyak orang dari luar Papua yang sudah tinggal dan  menetap. Salah satu objek wisata di Jayapura yang terkenal adalah Danau Sentani .
Ibukota Provinsi Papua Barat adalah Manokwari . Sebenarnya lebih ramai kota Sorong daripada Manokwari . Kota sorong adalah kota dekat Manokwari yang cukup terkenal  . Kota Sorong juga berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Sorong . Kota Sorong sebenarnya sangat berpotensi karena dari Kota Sorong orang-orang dapat menyewa kapal motor yang tidak terlalu besar untuk pergi ke Kepulauan Raja Ampat . Anda tentu sudah tahu tentang kepulauan Raja Ampat . Pemandangan di Kepulauan Raja Amat luar biasa indah . Anda dapat menginap di Resort Papua Diving , dan bisa diving . Saya sendiri belum pernah diving , hanya snorkeling saja . Dengan snorkeling saja saya sudah bisa melihat karang-karang yang jarang bisa dilihat langsung . Bagi anda yang tertarik , saya menyediakan link ini . Menurut saya , Raja Ampat adalah salah satu objek wisata yang paling menarik .
By : Daniel