Friday, February 25, 2011

First Post - Papua

Some times , when people heard about "Papua" it reminds them about dark skinned people and huts, without any modern technology, it is not true. Many Cities in Papua are still growing , but some of them has grown  big enough . They love to eat sagoo , and traditional food from Papua is "papeda" a kind of food made from sagoo . Papua divided became two provinces , the Papua and the West Papua .
The capital of Papua is Jayapura . Jayapura is a medium size city. About Jayapura you can click this link . One of the tourism objects in Jayapura is Lake Sentani . For information about Lake Sentani you can visit this link . I have lived in a city in West Papua , Sorong .It is not a big city .
From Sorong , you can rent a motor boat to visit Raja Ampat Islands .It is the best place to visit in Indonesia . You can visit Raja Ampat Papua Diving resort to guide you diving in Raja Ampat Islands.Information of Papua Diving : click here .
For the price of Papua Diving Resort : click here

Please comment and please give me some feedbacks , i'm newbie in blogging

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